Going Strong!

For the last few years since COVID, we have resumed our normal church schedule. Please join us for Sunday School starting at 9:30am every Sunday, followed by our morning service at 10:30. We offer classes for all ages and during the morning service, children ages ten and under are invited back to class during the message.

On Wednesday nights, we hold an adult bible study at 7pm, and children ages 5-12 are invited to our King’s Kids program, usually held in the fellowship hall. The nursery is also open for children under the age of 5.

Welcome Back!

Given permission by our government officials, we have chosen to commence weekly church services once again. Keeping in mind state regulations, here are some actions we have taken to ensure a safe and healthy return.

  • For now, we only offer a weekly Sunday morning service in our fellowship hall starting at 10:30, lasting roughly an hour.

  • When you enter our fellowship hall, there will be hymn books and hand sanitizer to your right, as well as a rack of chairs to your left. To maintain social distancing, you may pick up a number of chairs for your family and find a place in the open room suitable enough for y’all to sit.

  • Please note that if you feel unwell or otherwise unsafe to attend despite our actions, we will continue streaming our services via Facebook Live.

We look forward to seeing everyone back at church!

In Response to COVID-19

In response to the regulations regarding COVID-19, we have decided to temporarily cancel church services until further notice. However, we will continue to have Sunday Morning Services online through Facebook Live. This will consist of two separate streams, with a Sunday School Class stream at 9:30am, followed by a sermon from Pastor Jay Tripp at 10:30am.

These streams will continue to be offered through our Facebook Page, with sermons being uploaded on our Media and Sermons Page.